Repurpose pp5                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            2020

How can I make unwanted Pp5 products interesting again?

 “I worked with PP5 plastic, found in cups, plates and other tableware in second hand shops. People prefer to buy these products new, as there is not a big price difference. I decided to give them a new purpose, keeping the existing forms, because the colours and shapes they have are already beautiful. I assembled these objects to create a series of lamps, melting some of the objects as a glue to connect the others.” Check out the full project on!

This project was a part of the Master Industrial design at The Royal Acedemy of Arts in The Hague.
#Overexposed                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        2022

My research has been published in an INC Longform publication

You can read the full article here:

The installation was my graduation project from the master Industrial design at the Royal Academy of Arts in The Hague. 

I researched the effects of ‘Technological sadness’ in my surroundings. Technological Sadness is a new emotion that appeared when we started using social technologies to communicate, which describes the negative effects of smartphones and what effect social media has on our everyday emotions. I focused mainly on the Instagram platform, and my research uncovered how dependent we have become on it and the negative effects we are experiencing through oversharing our lives on social media platforms. I wanted to create work that would show the dangers of the online lives we are living. Through experiments and interviews, I discovered that capturing moments with our mobile devices is very important to us, as most digital natives are using them to create memories and share our experiences with others. We are starting to use our phones as digital diaries, by for example using the function stories that tempts users to post 24/7. During my research, I found out about ‘The photo impairment effect’, that describes how the more photos and videos we take with our smartphones the less we remember. The problem is that our phone is becoming our external memory and we are offloading our own memories onto the device. This news was so thought-provoking that I thought it was a story that needed to be told. The obsession of capturing everything around us pulls us out of the experience and we are forgetting to live in the now, we are trying to hold on to moments that are lost. I started to address this theory by creating an interactive installation, a unique photo booth. In this booth, the visitor is confronted with moments that are lost through our extreme use of smartphone photography. My goal is to demonstrate the urgency of this phenomenon. The amount of photos people are taking every day is getting out of hand. We are overexposing our lives, and as a result, losing the impact of memories. In the installation an interactive photo is taken with a smartphone and afterwards, the story of ‘The photo impairment effect' is told. When the visitor leaves they receive a printed photo, but once they get home it would slowly disappear. Soit becomes an experience with a memory not to be forgotten.

The flaw Collection                                                                                                                                                                                                                         2019








In every object there is a small mistake.  That is why it is called “the flaw collection”, based on imperfections. For my graduating project I studied the impct of the emotion irritation . Why do we get annoyed. What are the triggers, and how does our irritations impact ourselves and those around us?

I started to make all kinds of works based on things that annoy people. At one point I started designing annoying patterns and I loved how people in my class got annoyed by all my prints. Because in every pattern there is a little flaw if you look close enough. In society today we like everything to be perfect. Missed perfection to some it may become annoying, irritating or just  plain wrong. With my collection I want to show that mistakes and imperfection can also make things more interesting.

Because of the flaws  displayed in my collection,  you will need to look twice at the objects because when you see the mistake it can’t be unseen. That may annoy you , but in a world where everything has to be perfect I wanted to design things that are not.

Pictures taken by: Sabine van de Korput




Three disfunctional objects. The objects can’t be used wich makes you look better at the material. This is so that you start to look at the look/material of the object instead of the function. I have always been fascinated by the look of metal. I find the material misunderstood I see the beauty in the material the softness that lies hidden. I wanted to design 3 objects with this material that you wouldn’t expect. Create an Illusion.


This work has been made for JONG WILD a one month exhibition for fine art in Galary Drift in Breda.

Irritation Book






For my graduation disertation I started writing a book about the emotion irritation. It started with me having misophonia which means  "hatred of sound " and is a condition in which negative emotions thoughts and physical reactions are triggered by specific sounds .
Personally, I become annoyed by repeating sounds like clock’s, chewing, loud breathing, pens clicking just to name a few sounds . This means that being annoyed is a big part of my daily life.

So this is why started my research. Why do I get so annoyed and what does it mean when this happens .  I became fascinated by the "emotionan Irritation’. I created several different works about this emotion and decided to divide it into 4 categories
1. Irritation in function.
2. Irritation in sounds.
3. Irritation in image ,and
4. Irritation in our daily life.

After extensive research and creating a body of work and concepts within these categories I concluded by assembling everything into one book.